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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: C+

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B+

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: B+

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

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Grade: A

An analysis of Trump’s record on regulations shows an outstanding commitment to limited government principles. As President, Trump arguably had the greatest deregulatory record in U.S. history. Firstly, Trump signed a number of measures into law which utilized the Congressional Review Act to slash regulations in state agencies. Additionally, he signed multiple executive orders slashing regulations, while many of his cabinet members published rules and took other actions to shrink the regulatory state. At the end of his term, his administration eliminated 8 regulations for every new regulation enacted.





Executive Order 13924 (2020)

Required all Agencies to Suspend Regulations and Reduce their Administrative Enforcement Actions During the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Community Reinvestment Act Regulations Rule (2020)

Weakened the Overreaching Community Reinvestment Act to Reduce Costs and Provide Regulatory Relief to Banks.


SJR 57 CRA Indirect Auto Lending (2018)

Signed a Bill Overturning the Overreaching Obama Admin Regulations which had Hiked Costs in the Automotive Lending Industry.


S 2155 Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (2018)

Signed a Bill Implementing Numerous Reforms to Reduce Regulatory Burdens Under the Draconian Dodd-Frank Act.


Restoring Internet Freedom Rule (2018)

Overturned “Net Neutrality” Regulations which Harmed Internet Service Providers with Overreaching Mandates.


Executive Order 13771 (2017)

Shrunk the Regulatory State by Requiring the Elimination of 2 Existing Regulations for Each New Regulation Enacted.

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: A-

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Local and National Security

Grade: A-

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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