
LG position

Strengthening Property Rights at Hotels and Campgrounds by Clarifying that Stays Under 90 Days Do Not Entitle Customers to "Tenancy Rights".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through Regulatory Relief for Charter Schools.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Consumer Choice by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing Anti-Natural Gas Ordinances.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Significant Regulatory Relief Through the "Regulatory Reform Act of 2023".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Significant Regulatory Relief and Protecting Against Local Government Overreach Through Wastewater and Environmental Regulatory Reform.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Energy Costs by Including Nuclear Energy in the State's Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring Absentee Ballots be Returned by Election Day and Prohibiting the Usage of Private Funds for Election Administration.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Expanding Medicaid.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Self-Defense and Second Amendment Rights by Allowing Concealed Carry on Religious School Property and Eliminating the Permit Requirement for Pistol Purchases.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights by Expanding Protections Against Trespassing on Private Land.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Second Amendment Rights by Blocking an Effort to Reinstate and Expand the Repealed Pistol Purchase Permit Requirement to Include all Firearms.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Second Amendment Rights by Blocking the Seizure of Firearms without Due Process Through "Extreme Risk Protection Orders".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Politicization and Strengthening Government Integrity by Prohibiting Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Government Agencies and Training Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Regulatory Burdens in Housing Construction by Establishing a Residential Code Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Contracts, Employment, and Investment Strategies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws to Combat "Catch-and-Release" Practices.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Banning TikTok from Being Accessed on State-Issued Devices or Networks.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws and Increasing Sentences for Rioting.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Slightly Reducing Unnecessary Cosmetic Art Restrictions by Allowing Mobile Salons.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights at Hotels and Campgrounds by Clarifying that Stays Under 90 Days Do Not Entitle Customers to "Tenancy Rights".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Against Local Government Overreach by Limiting Local Regulations of Online Marketplaces.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rate on Consumer Loans.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties and Growing the Tax Base by Legalizing Sports Betting.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Business Costs by Allowing Employees to Drill Irrigation Wells on Employer Property without a Certification.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Transparency of Bond Referendums by Requiring Disclosure of Potential Property Tax Increases.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rates on Consumer Credit Installment Sale Contracts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Healthcare Access by Expanding Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathologist Scope of Practice.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking Economic Growth by Reinstating the Corporate Income Tax.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking an Effort to Worsen North Carolina's Pension Liabilities Through Increased Payouts to Beneficiaries.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking an Effort to Worsen Cronyism and Government Central Planning Through $100 Million to Enrich the Manufacturing Industry.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Taxation and the Growth of Government by Allowing Localities to Impose New Taxes on Hotels for Wasteful Tourism Promotion Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through Regulatory Relief for Charter Schools.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Politicalization at State Institutions of Higher Education by Prohibiting Public Universities from Soliciting Divisive Statements from Prospective Employees or Students.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Prohibiting Instruction on Divisive Concepts Such as Critical Race Theory (CRT).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Consumer Choice by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing Anti-Natural Gas Ordinances.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Electricity Costs by Increasing the Cap from 1% to 10% on Solar Leasing and Net Metering Schemes.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Significant Regulatory Relief Through the "Regulatory Reform Act of 2023".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Significant Regulatory Relief and Protecting Against Local Government Overreach Through Wastewater and Environmental Regulatory Reform.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Energy Costs by Including Nuclear Energy in the State's Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring Absentee Ballots be Returned by Election Day and Prohibiting the Usage of Private Funds for Election Administration.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Expanding Medicaid.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Self-Defense and Second Amendment Rights by Allowing Concealed Carry on Religious School Property and Eliminating the Permit Requirement for Pistol Purchases.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights by Expanding Protections Against Trespassing on Private Land.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape to Building and Development by Requiring Local Permitting Decisions within 21 Days.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Politicization and Strengthening Government Integrity by Prohibiting Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Government Agencies and Training Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Regulatory Burdens in Housing Construction by Establishing a Residential Code Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Closing Some of the Work Requirement Loopholes Within the SNAP Welfare Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Contracts, Employment, and Investment Strategies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws to Combat "Catch-and-Release" Practices.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Taking Steps to Safeguard Taxpayer Investments from Run-Away Inflation Through a Study on Bullion and Virtual Currency.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Applying for a Convention of the States to Propose Constitutional Amendments Imposing Term Limits and Fiscal Restraints.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Requiring Law Enforcement Agencies to Comply with ICE Detainers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws and Increasing Sentences for Rioting.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Public Safety by Strengthening the Ability to Try Juvenile Offenders Who Commit Felonies as Adults.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Preventing Private Businesses from Setting their Own Payment Method Policies by Mandating Retail Establishments Accept Cash.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rate on Consumer Loans.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties and Growing the Tax Base by Legalizing Sports Betting.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rates on Consumer Credit Installment Sale Contracts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Employment Barriers and Reducing Competition by Forcing Genetic Counselors to Obtain a License.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape to Building and Development by Allowing Private Commercial Building Inspections and Requiring Local Permitting Decisions within 21 Days.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Taxation and the Growth of Government by Allowing Localities to Impose New Taxes on Hotels for Wasteful Tourism Promotion Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Regulatory Power within the Pharmaceutical Industry by Imposing a Series of New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Utility Rates by Allowing the Governor and State Agencies to Mandate Cap and Trade Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Dependency and Wealth Redistribution by Increasing Child Care Subsidies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking School Choice by Repealing the Opportunity Scholarship Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Parental Rights in Education by Blocking Transparency of Instructional Materials Chosen by Local School Boards.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights by Prohibiting Localities from Banning Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Making All Students Eligible for School Choice Under the Opportunity Scholarship Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Health Insurance Premiums Through a New Mandate on Co-Pays and Deductibles for Diagnostic and Supplemental Screenings for Breast Cancer.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Authorizing a Crony Commodity Checkoff Program for the Dairy Industry.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Further Enriching Government-Favored Entities by Requiring Grape Juice in All Public Schools.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


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