
LG position

Expanding School Choice Through the Creation of an Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Prohibiting Instruction on Divisive Concepts Such as Critical Race Theory (CRT).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding School Choice Through the Creation of an "Open Enrollment Program" which Allows Students to Attend Schools within Districts they are Not Residents.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition by Eliminating Anti-Competitive "Certificate of Need" Regulations for Most Healthcare Facilities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Interference in the Healthcare Industry Through a Series of New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers Concerning "Patient Steering".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Healthcare Staffing Shortages by Allowing Anesthesiologists to Supervise Additional Assistants.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights by Ensuring Landowners Have the Ability to Replace their Wells and Septic Tanks and are Not Forced to Utilize Public Utilities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Government Transparency and Accountability by Reducing the Financial Audit Requirements Municipalities Must Meet.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties by Prohibiting any Additional Local Regulations on Tobacco, Vaping, and Nicotine Products.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Investment Strategies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Unequal Application of the Law by Providing Enhanced "Hate Crime Penalties" for Actions Against Individuals of Select Races, Religions and Sexual Orientations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order Through Changes to Pre-Trial Bail Laws for Repeat Violent Offenders and Felonies Involving Firearms.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security and Helping to Combat Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking Through an "Illegal Immigration Enforcement Unit".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Individual Liberties and Tax Revenue by Allowing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol in Airports.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Allowing Localities to Now Utilize Tax Revenue for Workforce Housing.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wealth Redistribution and Cronyism by Channeling Tens of Millions in Additional Taxpayer Funds to Affordable Housing Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Diluting the Tax Base and Shifting Tax Burdens onto other Products and Individuals Through a Special Sales Tax Exemption for Feminine Hygiene Products.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism by Channeling Over $1.29 Billion in Taxpayer Funds to Enrich Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Scout Motors.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Cronyism by Allowing Taxpayer Funds to Be Used to Hire Lobbyists for Water Infrastructure Projects.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism and Corporate Welfare Through a New Tax Credit for Railroad Companies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Worsening Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Extending and Increasing the Industry Partnership Fund Tax Credit.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding the Crony Tax Exemptions Provided to Certain Government-Favored Alternative Fuel Projects.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Diluting the Tax Base and Shifting Tax Burdens by Providing a Select Exemption to the Admission Tax for Golf Club Dues.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Enriching Woke Hollywood Producers by Increasing Taxpayer Subsidies for TV Series and Movie Production Costs to $30 Million.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Cronyism by Striking the Fiscal Safeguards Surrounding the Corporate Headquarters Tax Credit.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Worsening Cronyism by Extending the Community Development Tax Credit which Enriches Select Companies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Amending the Appropriations Bill to Increase Spending on Countless Lawmaker Pet Projects and More Subsidies for Higher Education.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Blocking an Attempt to Study the Expansion of the Medicaid Welfare Program in South Carolina.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Fiscal Responsibility by Reducing Funding to the Educational Television Commission by Over $649,000.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Allowing Clemson University to Use Public Funds to Implement "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" Initiatives

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking an Amendment which Required State Agencies to Identify Waste, Fraud, and Abuse of Taxpayer Funds and Reduce Agency Spending by 5%.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Allowing Public Schools to Provide Students Incentives to Receive a Vaccination such as COVID-19.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $9.4 Million Appropriation to the Arts Commission.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $9.2 Billion Appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $259 Million Appropriation to the Housing Finance and Development Authority.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Tens of Millions in Wasteful Spending Through $138 Million in the Appropriations Bill for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Tens of Millions in Wasteful Spending Through $131.2 Million in the Appropriations Bill for the Department of Commerce.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Unnecessary $1 Million Appropriation to the Jobs-Economic Development Authority.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Unnecessary $3 Million Appropriation to the Commission on Minority Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $38.8 Billion Budget (12.6% Increase) with Countless Provisions that Further Grow the Size and Scope of Government.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Property Tax Rates by Expanding the Crony Tax Exemptions Provided to Certain Government-Favored Renewable Energy Projects.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting the Practices of Overzealous Government Licensing Boards by Ensuring Individuals are Not Denied a Solely for a Criminal Conviction that is Unrelated to their Profession.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Allowing Taxpayer Funds to be Utilized for Politicized "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" Workforce Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition and Cutting Consumer Costs by Increasing the Threshold from $5k to $10k for a Project Needing a Contractor License.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Further Growing Government's Unsustainable Land Holdings by Directing Funds to the South Carolina Conservation Bank Trust Fund.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Enacting "Constitutional Carry" thus Allowing Qualified Adults 18 and Older to Carry a Firearm without a Special Permit.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Second Amendment Rights by Blocking a Mandate that Private Firearm Sales Undergo Background Checks.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding School Choice Through the Creation of an Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through the ACE Scholarship Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Prohibiting Instruction on Divisive Concepts Such as Critical Race Theory (CRT).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Establishing a Pilot Program which Allows Schools to Hire a Teacher who is Non-Certified if there is a Shortage and the Teacher is Otherwise Well Qualified.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Placing Taxpayer Funds at Risk by Authorizing Localities to Establish Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy Programs (C-PACE).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition by Eliminating Anti-Competitive "Certificate of Need" Regulations for Most Healthcare Facilities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Interference in the Healthcare Industry Through a Series of New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers Concerning "Patient Steering".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Blocking an Attempt to Ban the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products in the State.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Government Transparency and Accountability by Reducing the Financial Audit Requirements Municipalities Must Meet.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties by Prohibiting any Additional Local Regulations on Tobacco, Vaping, and Nicotine Products.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Law and Order Through Changes to Pre-Trial Bail Laws for Repeat Violent Offenders and Felonies Involving Firearms.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Individual Liberties and Tax Revenue by Allowing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol in Airports.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Allowing Localities to Now Utilize Tax Revenue for Workforce Housing.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wealth Redistribution and Cronyism by Channeling Tens of Millions in Additional Taxpayer Funds to Affordable Housing Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $10.4 Million Appropriation to the Arts Commission.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $9.2 Billion Appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $259 Million Appropriation to the Housing Finance and Development Authority.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Tens of Millions in Wasteful Spending Through $138 Million in the Appropriations Bill for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Tens of Millions in Wasteful Spending Through $131.2 Million in the Appropriations Bill for the Department of Commerce.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Unnecessary $1 Million Appropriation to the Jobs-Economic Development Authority.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Unnecessary $3 Million Appropriation to the Commission on Minority Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $38.8 Billion Budget (12.6% Increase) with Countless Provisions that Further Grow the Size and Scope of Government.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Employment Barriers and Reducing Competition by Forcing Genetic Counselors to Obtain a License.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting the Practices of Overzealous Government Licensing Boards by Ensuring Individuals are Not Denied a Solely for a Criminal Conviction that is Unrelated to their Profession.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition and Cutting Consumer Costs by Increasing the Threshold from $5k to $10k for a Project Needing a Contractor License.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism by Channeling Over $1.29 Billion in Taxpayer Funds to Enrich Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Scout Motors.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


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