
LG position

Increasing Government Central Planning of Housing by Expanding the Crony Kansas Rural Housing Incentive District Act.

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Hiking Health Insurance Premiums by No Longer Providing Small Businesses a Waiver from the Autism Spectrum Disorder Coverage Mandate.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Teacher Shortages by Enacting Occupational Licensing Reciprocity for Teachers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Against Higher Construction Costs by Ensuring Localities Can't Impose Additional Ordinances on Refrigerants that are More Stringent than Federal Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding Eligibility Under the Low Income Students Scholarship Act.

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Improving Educational Outcomes by Making More Students Eligible for School Choice Under the Low Income Students Scholarship Act.

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Expanding Cronyism and Enriching Woke Media Companies through a New Tax Carve Out for Film and Media Production.

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Expanding Access to Healthcare and Lowering Costs by Providing Nurse Anesthetists the Ability to Practice Independently and Prescribe Medications.

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Advancing Innovation and Economic Growth by Ensuring "Advanced Recycling" Process are not Subject to Overreaching Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Eliminating State Agency Fees for Concealed Carry Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening a Fiscal Safeguard by Extending the Repayment Period of Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund for Localities.

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Expanding Wealth Redistribution and Out-of-Control Spending by Providing Adult Learners with $3,000 Grants and a $1,500 Income Tax Credit.

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Combatting Regulatory Overreach Through Occupational Licensing Reforms.

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Eliminating Prohibition on Taxpayer Funds Being Utilized for Politicized "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI) Programs at Public College Campuses.

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Expanding Economic Growth by Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate and Replacing Personal Income Tax Brackets with a Flat Tax.

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Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring Advance Voting Ballots be Returned by Election Day.

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Strengthening Election Integrity by Prohibiting Mailing Unsolicited Ballot Applications and Expanding Safeguards Against Fraud.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Taxpayer Costs through Unnecessary Pay Hikes for State Lawmakers via a "Legislative Compensation Commission".

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Strengthening Individual Liberties and Parental Rights by Strengthening Religious Exemptions to Government-Imposed Vaccine Requirements for Public School and Childcare Facilities.

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Urging the President to Support American Energy Dominance.

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Protecting Homeowners and Businesses from Spiking Property Taxes by Limiting Annual Property Assessment Increases.

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Maintaining Low Prices by Classifying Ridesharing Drivers as Independent Contractors.

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Expanding Individual Liberties by Allowing More Bars to Open on Sundays Through the Loosening of Overreaching Regulations on Alcohol.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Central Planning by Forcing Taxpayers to Pay Off the Student Loan Debt of OB/GYNs in a "Service Commitment Area".

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Reducing a Barrier to School Choice by Allowing Virtual School Students to take Virtual Assessments.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Establishing Work Requirements for SNAP Welfare Program Recipients Ages 50-59.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State and Local Contracts and Investment Strategies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency and Increasing Integrity in the SNAP Welfare Program by Strengthening Requirements that Recipients Comply with Child Support Obligations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Against Higher Construction Costs by Ensuring Localities Can't Impose Additional Ordinances on Refrigerants that are More Stringent than Federal Regulations.

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Protecting Electricity Customers by Providing Greater Oversight of Utility Rates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Providing Parents More Control Over their Child's Education Through a Parent's Bill of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Infringing Individual Liberties by Raising the Tobacco and Nicotine Age to 21.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Prohibiting Government Entities from Mandating Children Receive COVID-19 Vaccines to Attend Childcare or School.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Barriers by Allowing Out-of-State Counselors to Provide Services via Telehealth.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Wealth Redistribution Through New Apprentice Tax Credits and Grants for Education and Engineering Students.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Firearm Safety by Authorizing School Districts to Provide Firearm Safety Education Courses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Forcing Motorists to Subsidize the Rail Industry Through a Raid of the Highway Trust Fund.

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Weakening Government Integrity by Expanding the Amount of Debt Issued by Local Boards Without a Vote of the People.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Childcare Costs and Increasing Availability by Reducing Costly and Excessive Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Human Trafficking and Illegal Immigration Through New Felonies for Human Smuggling.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Central Planning of Housing by Expanding the Crony Kansas Rural Housing Incentive District Act.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Health Insurance Premiums by No Longer Providing Small Businesses a Waiver from the Autism Spectrum Disorder Coverage Mandate.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Teacher Shortages by Enacting Occupational Licensing Reciprocity for Teachers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through an Education Savings Account Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Advancing Innovation and Economic Growth by Ensuring "Advanced Recycling" Process are not Subject to Overreaching Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Eliminating State Agency Fees for Concealed Carry Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening a Fiscal Safeguard by Extending the Repayment Period of Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund for Localities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Wealth Redistribution and Out-of-Control Spending by Providing Adult Learners with $3,000 Grants and a $1,500 Income Tax Credit.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Regulatory Overreach Through Occupational Licensing Reforms.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Economic Growth by Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate and Replacing Personal Income Tax Brackets with a Flat Tax.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring Advance Voting Ballots be Returned by Election Day.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Prohibiting Mailing Unsolicited Ballot Applications and Expanding Safeguards Against Fraud.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Taxpayer Costs through Unnecessary Pay Hikes for State Lawmakers via a "Legislative Compensation Commission".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Property Rights by Disapproving an Overreaching Biden Administration Rule Concerning the Lesser Prairie Chicken on the Endangered Species Act.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Urging the President to Support American Energy Dominance.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Maintaining Low Prices by Classifying Ridesharing Drivers as Independent Contractors.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Individual Liberties by Allowing More Bars to Open on Sundays Through the Loosening of Overreaching Regulations on Alcohol.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Central Planning by Forcing Taxpayers to Pay Off the Student Loan Debt of OB/GYNs in a "Service Commitment Area".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing a Barrier to School Choice by Allowing Virtual School Students to take Virtual Assessments.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Against Local Government Overreach by Prohibiting Municipalities from Imposing Special Taxes and Fees on Vacant Properties.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Establishing Work Requirements for SNAP Welfare Program Recipients Ages 50-59.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State and Local Contracts and Investment Strategies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Enriching Woke Communications Companies Through Crony New Sales Tax Exemptions.

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Diluting the Tax Base and Shifting Tax Burdens onto other Products and Individuals Through Special Sales Tax Exemptions for Hygiene Products.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting a Freer Market through the Elimination of an Excessive Ban on the Ability of Businesses to Recover Credit Card Fee Surcharges.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency and Increasing Integrity in the SNAP Welfare Program by Strengthening Requirements that Recipients Comply with Child Support Obligations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayer Funds from Being Utilized for Politicized Critical Race Theory and Diversity Endorsement at Colleges and Universities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Electricity Customers by Providing Greater Oversight of Utility Rates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Providing Parents More Control Over their Child's Education Through a Parent's Bill of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Infringing Individual Liberties by Raising the Tobacco and Nicotine Age to 21.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Taxpayer Costs by Increasing Income Tax Credits for Purchases from Qualified Vendors Under the Disability Employment Act.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Prohibiting Government Entities from Mandating Children Receive COVID-19 Vaccines to Attend Childcare or School.

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Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Barriers by Allowing Out-of-State Counselors to Provide Services via Telehealth.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Unnecessary Regulations by Allowing Businesses to Determine Their Own Dog Policies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Wealth Redistribution Through New Apprentice Tax Credits and Grants for Education and Engineering Students.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Firearm Safety by Authorizing School Districts to Provide Firearm Safety Education Courses.

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Strengthening National Security by Banning TikTok from Being Accessed on State-Issued Devices or Networks.

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Further Growing Government's Unsustainable Land Holdings via a New State Park Costing Taxpayers over $5 Million.

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Forcing Motorists to Subsidize the Rail Industry Through a Raid of the Highway Trust Fund.

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Weakening Government Integrity by Expanding the Amount of Debt Issued by Local Boards Without a Vote of the People.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Childcare Costs and Increasing Availability by Reducing Costly and Excessive Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Human Trafficking and Illegal Immigration Through New Felonies for Human Smuggling.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Expanding Fund Usage Within the STAR Bond Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Wealth Redistribution Through a New Incentive Fund for College and University Engineering Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Against Higher Consumer Costs by Prohibiting Municipalities from Banning Plastic Containers.

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Hiking Taxpayer Costs through an Unnecessary Increase in the Per Diem Rate Provided to Members of State Boards, Commissions and Councils.

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Applying for a Convention of the States to Propose Amendments to the U.S. Constitution to Impose Fiscal Restraint and Limit the Power of the Federal Government.

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