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Mike Pence
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Tax and Fiscal
Grade: A
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Energy and Environment
Grade: B-
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Law and Scope of Government
Grade: A
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Workforce and Labor
Grade: A
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Grade: A-
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Individual Liberties
Grade: B+
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Grade: A-
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Grade: C+
An analysis of Pence’s record on healthcare shows a mixed and marginal commitment to limited government principles. While in Congress, Pence voted to repeal Obamacare. However, a few years later as Governor he implemented Obamacare in Indiana, massively expanding Medicaid albeit with a couple of conservative provisions. Then, as Vice President, he changed direction again, casting a tie-breaking vote to advance the repeal of Obamacare. There is also a case of Pence deviating from limited government principles by imposing anti-competitive regulations on hearing aids.
H.R. 1628 Obamacare Repeal (2017)
Voted to Reduce Health Insurance Costs by Casting the Tie-Breaking Vote to Advance the Repeal of Obamacare.
SB 165 Implementing Obamacare (2016)
Signed a Bill Trapping Many Thousands into Government Dependency by Expanding Medicaid Under Obamacare albeit a Couple Conservative Provisions.
Signed a Bill Hiking Costs and Restricting Competition by Imposing New Regulations on the Sale of Hearing Aids.
HR 6079 Obamacare Repeal (2012)
Voted to Reduce Health Insurance Costs through the Repeal of Obamacare.
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Local and National Security
Grade: A-
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Free Speech and Elections
Grade: A
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