Rep. Val Demings

Democrat - FL - 10th district

Limited Government Rating

2022: 10.13%

Ratings by Policy Category












Lawmaker Position

Harming Recruitment Efforts of Active Military Personnel by Providing GI Bill Education Benefits to All National Guard and Reserve Members.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Election Integrity by Nationalizing the Election Laws of the States.

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Voted against Limited Government

Placing Unnecessary Requirements Surrounding "Environmental Justice" in U.S. Sanctions and Foreign Policy Operations.

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Voted for Limited Government

Jeopardizing National Security by Advocating the Removal of Sanctions on the Afghan Central Bank which will Provide the Taliban with $9.5 Billion.

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Voted for Limited Government

Increasing Regulatory Certainty and Economic Growth by Removing the U.S. from the United Nations Climate Framework Convention.

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Government Dependency by Expanding Eligibility and Spending Under the Community Services Block Grant Program.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Bureaucracy and Spending within FEMA to Establish a Largely Politicized "Nonprofit Security Grant Program".

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing Unnecessary Spending through a Package of 11 Amendments Concerning "Workforce Development" that Should be Performed by the Private Sector.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing the Effectiveness of Taxpayer Resources Through a Greater Emphasis on Poverty Levels as Opposed to Cost/Benefit and Other Factors when Allocating Federal Funds.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Civil Liberties by Providing the Department of Justice Overreaching New Powers Through the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Establishing Unreasonable Presumptions Pertaining to Health of Veterans Which May Advance Fraudulent Disability Claims and Further Overload the VA.

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Voted against Limited Government

Driving Up Taxpayer Procurement Costs by Preventing the Department of Defense from Contracting with any Private Company that has Engaged in "Anti-Union Activity".

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening National Security by Pausing the Continued Development and Upgrade of the U.S. Nuclear ICBM Program.

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Voted for Limited Government

Weakening National Security by Reducing the Number of Nuclear ICB Missiles Held by the United States.

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Voted for Limited Government

Advancing Government Censorship by Requiring the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to Report on "Misinformation" that is "Harmful to Good Order and Discipline".

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Bureaucracy and Taxpayer Costs by Requiring the State Department to Post a "Climate Change Officer" at Embassies, Consulates, and on Diplomatic Missions.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing the "COMPETES ACT" with $318 Billion in Wasteful Spending and Protectionist Trade Policies that Unnecessarily Hike Consumer Costs.

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Voted against Limited Government

Eliminating a Key Fiscal Safeguard within the U.S. Postal Service Resulting in $60 Billion in Unfunded Liabilities being Placed on Taxpayers.

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Voted against Limited Government

Hiking Non-Defense Domestic Spending by 7% and Promoting Cronyism through the Revival of Earmarks.

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Voted against Limited Government

Eliminating an Unfair Carve-out Provided to Only Union Employees Within the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Frivolous Litigation and Legal Liabilities by Making "Hair Texture and Style" a Protected Characteristic in Employment and Housing.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Regulatory Burdens and Red Tape Under the Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Fund.

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Voted against Limited Government

Creating Fuel Shortages and Worsening the Energy Crises by Placing Price Controls on Consumer Fuel Prices.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Second Amendment Rights Through Multiple Overreaching Bans and Mandates Concerning Ammunition Magazines, Firearm Storage, and Home-crafted Firearms.

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Voted against Limited Government

Authorizing Seizures of Firearms Without Due Process Through the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Government Power to Set Prices and Interfere in Private Contracting Agreements Between Companies Through the Ocean Shipping Reform Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Protecting the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court by Ensuring Police Protection for the Immediate Families of the Nine Justices.

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Voted for Limited Government

Advancing Government Racial Discrimination in Contracting and Unnecessary Conservation Initiatives Through Amendments to the Wildlife Bill.

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Voted against Limited Government

Removing Costly Data Collection Mandates Imposed on Small Business Lenders Under the Dodd-Frank Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Unsustainable Federal Land Holdings by Adding 1.6 Million Acres and 1,200 Miles of Rivers Under the Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Fueling Unnecessary Spending by Eliminating the $25,000 Cap Placed on the Artwork Purchases of U.S. Embassies Unless they Receive Congressional Approval.

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Voted against Limited Government

Requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs to Conduct a "Fertility Treatment Awareness Campaign" Despite Much Needed Reforms or Privatizing the Broken System.

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Voted against Limited Government

Avoiding Fiscal Responsibility through the Continual Passage of Short-Term Government Funding Bills

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Voted against Limited Government

Ensuring Taxpayer Funds within the COMPETES Act Are Not Sent to Foreign Adversaries.

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Voted for Limited Government

Increasing Health Insurance Premiums by Imposing Price Controls on Insulin Co-Payments.

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Voted against Limited Government

Establishing Additional Health Insurance Mandates Regarding Dental Birth Defects, which will Drive Up Rates and Make Healthcare Even Less Affordable.

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Voted against Limited Government

Fueling Runaway Spending by Providing the Restaurant Industry an Additional $42 Billion in Funds Two-Years After the Start of the Pandemic.

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Voted against Limited Government

Authorizing an Additional $40 Billion in Spending on Ukraine with Minimal Oversight to Prevent Corruption.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Government Bureaucracy and Grant Issuance for "Digital Privacy Technologies" that are Best Funded through the Private Sector.

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Voted against Limited Government

Hiking Taxpayer Costs and Weakening the Ability to Discipline Poor-Performing Employees by Unionizing 60,000 Employees within the Transporation Security Administration.

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Voted against Limited Government

Preventing Private Businesses from Setting their Own Payment Method Policies by Mandating All Retail Establishments Accept Cash.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing Unnecessary Spending and Regulatory Overreach in the Agricultural Industry Through Subsidies for Ethanol Fuel Expansion and a New "Special Investigator" for Competition.

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Voted against Limited Government

Directing $1.7 Billion in Additional Spending at the Department of Health and Human Services for the Creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Establishing a Politicized "Active Shooter Alert System" Under the Department of Justice with No Oversight to Ensure Proper Application.

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Voted against Limited Government

Extending "Temporary" Spending Hikes and Eligibility Waivers to the Federal School Lunch Program Implemented Under COVID-19 to 2024.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Government Bureaucracy and Hiking Costs by Requiring Surveys Conducted by Federal Agencies Include Questions on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

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Voted against Limited Government

Authorizing Billions in New Spending on an Ineffective Gun Safety Package that Includes the Seizure of Firearms without Due Process.

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Voted against Limited Government

Blocking Much-Needed Reforms to the Department of Veterans Affairs by Defunding the VA Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) Commission.

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Voted for Limited Government

Expediting U.S. Semiconductor Production by Reducing Unnecessary Government Environmental and Permitting Barriers for New Facility Construction.

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Voted for Limited Government

Reducing Economic Growth Through $750 Billion in Wasteful Spending and Tax Hikes Under the "Inflation Reduction Act".

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Voted against Limited Government

Establishing a New Spending Program for "Drone Infrastructure Inspection Grants" Containing Multiple Costly and Protectionist Provisions.

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Voted against Limited Government

Creating Unnecessary Bureaucracy within the Department of Transportation to Establish a Duplicative Aviation Industry Pandemic Plan Already Covered by the CDC.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Integrity of the Census Through an Attempt to Prohibit Questions on Citizenship.

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Voted against Limited Government

Bypassing the New Congress by Ramming Through $1.7 Trillion in Spending in the Final Days of the Lame Duck Session.

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Voted against Limited Government

Paving the Way for Irresponsible Spending Through a CR which Allows the Lame Duck Congress, Not the New Congress, to Set Government Funding.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing Unnecessary Spending Through a Package of 31 Amendments Largely Funding Lawmaker Pet Projects.

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Voted against Limited Government

Protecting Taxpayers by Blocking Enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act (Prevailing Wage) Which Unnecessarily Drives Up the Costs of Public Works Projects.

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Voted against Limited Government

Cutting 36 Wasteful and Unnecessary Spending Initiatives Within a Multi-Agency Appropriations Bill.

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Voted against Limited Government

Authorizing 30 Wasteful and Unnecessary Spending Initiatives Within a Multi-Agency Appropriations Bill.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing Unsustainable Federal Land Management Through a Study to Add Florida's Kissimmee River to the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reauthorizing the Peace Corps with a Significant Hike in Spending and New Benefits Provided to Participants.

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Government Spending and Debt Through an Expansion of Student Loan Forgiveness via the Joint Consolidation Loan Separation Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing an Ineffective and Wasteful Crime Victim Bill Rather Than Supporting Law Enforcement and Preventing Crime.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reauthorizing and Further Hiking Spending to $3.9 Billion Annually for Foreign Aid Surrounding Global Food Insecurity.

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Voted against Limited Government

Providing Foreign Aid to Additional Countries with Higher Levels of Wealth Through the Federal Millennium Challenge Corporation.

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Voted against Limited Government

Advancing Frivolous Litigation and Mandates on Employers by Establishing a "Right to Contraception."

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Voted against Limited Government

Forcing Taxpayers to Bailout the Pension Plans of Delphi Retirees (Parts Manufacturer of General Motors During 2009 Bankruptcy).

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Bureaucracy within the Department of Health and Human Services for a South Asian Heart Health Awareness Campaign.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Cronyism and Corporate Welfare for Semiconductor Manufacturers Through Billions in Subsidies and Tax Credits Under the CHIPS and Science Act.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Second Amendment Rights Through a Ban on the Sale and Possession of Semi-Automatic Firearms.

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Voted against Limited Government

Placing Taxpayer Funds at Greater Risk by Permanently Raising the Disaster Loan Threshold that the SBA can Issue without Requiring Collateral (Unsecured) from $14k to $25k.

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Voted against Limited Government

Requiring a Study to Further Grow the Department Of Veterans Affairs to Include "Doula Services" Despite Much Needed Reforms or Privatization of the Broken System.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Government Dependency by Further Expanding a Federal Program Funding Maternal and Child Home Visiting.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening National Security by Providing Amnesty to Individuals Residing in the Country Illegally - Including those with Violent Criminal Records - if They Have Previous Military Service.

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Voted against Limited Government

Creating an Economic Moral Hazard in Government Spending Priorities Involving Community Disaster Resilience Zones and Initiatives.

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Voted against Limited Government

Paving the Way for Irresponsible Spending Through the Second CR which Allows the Lame Duck Congress, Not the New Congress, to Set Government Funding.

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Voted against Limited Government

Placing Enormous New Financial Liabilities on the U.S. Through a Politicized Effort to Advance Puerto Rico Statehood.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reauthorizing the "National Heritage Area" System and Hundreds of Millions in Unnecessary Spending for Initiatives that Should Be Privately Funded.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Government Spending to Establish a New Native American Language Resource Center.

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Voted against Limited Government

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