Rep. Diamond Staton-Williams headshot

Rep. Diamond Staton-Williams

Democrat - NC - 73rd district

Limited Government Rating

2023: 9.38%

Ratings by Policy Category

Law and Scope of Government


Local and National Security


Workforce and Labor




Free Speech and Elections


Energy and Environment




Tax and Fiscal





Lawmaker Position

Strengthening National Security by Requiring Law Enforcement Agencies to Comply with ICE Detainers.

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Voted against Limited Government

Protecting Consumer Choice by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing Anti-Natural Gas Ordinances.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Prohibiting Instruction on Divisive Concepts Such as Critical Race Theory (CRT).

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Voted against Limited Government

Preventing Private Businesses from Setting their Own Payment Method Policies by Mandating Retail Establishments Accept Cash.

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Voted against Limited Government

Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through Regulatory Relief for Charter Schools.

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Government Regulatory Power within the Pharmaceutical Industry by Imposing a Series of New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers.

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Voted against Limited Government

Growing Government Dependency and Wealth Redistribution by Increasing Child Care Subsidies.

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Voted against Limited Government

Blocking School Choice by Repealing the Opportunity Scholarship Program.

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Voted against Limited Government

Hiking Utility Rates by Allowing the Governor and State Agencies to Mandate Cap and Trade Programs.

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Voted against Limited Government

Weakening Parental Rights in Education by Blocking Transparency of Instructional Materials Chosen by Local School Boards.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape to Building and Development by Requiring Local Permitting Decisions within 21 Days.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Individual Liberties and Growing the Tax Base by Legalizing Sports Betting.

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Voted for Limited Government

Authorizing a Crony Commodity Checkoff Program for the Dairy Industry.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws and Increasing Sentences for Rioting.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Property Rights by Prohibiting Localities from Banning Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing Regulatory Burdens in Housing Construction by Establishing a Residential Code Council.

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Voted against Limited Government

Hiking Electricity Costs by Increasing the Cap from 1% to 10% on Solar Leasing and Net Metering Schemes.

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Voted against Limited Government

Hiking Health Insurance Premiums Through a New Mandate on Co-Pays and Deductibles for Diagnostic and Supplemental Screenings for Breast Cancer.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Employment Barriers and Reducing Competition by Forcing Genetic Counselors to Obtain a License.

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Voted against Limited Government

Providing Significant Regulatory Relief Through the "Regulatory Reform Act of 2023".

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing Politicalization at State Institutions of Higher Education by Prohibiting Public Universities from Soliciting Divisive Statements from Prospective Employees or Students.

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Voted against Limited Government

Providing Significant Regulatory Relief and Protecting Against Local Government Overreach Through Wastewater and Environmental Regulatory Reform.

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Voted against Limited Government

Further Enriching Government-Favored Entities by Requiring Grape Juice in All Public Schools.

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Voted against Limited Government

Taking Steps to Safeguard Taxpayer Investments from Run-Away Inflation Through a Study on Bullion and Virtual Currency.

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Voted against Limited Government

Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Closing Some of the Work Requirement Loopholes Within the SNAP Welfare Program.

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Voted for Limited Government

Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Contracts, Employment, and Investment Strategies.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Government Dependency and Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Expanding Medicaid.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Law and Order by Reforming Pre-Trial Bail Laws to Combat "Catch-and-Release" Practices.

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Voted against Limited Government

Improving Educational Outcomes by Making All Students Eligible for School Choice Under the Opportunity Scholarship Program.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Public Safety by Strengthening the Ability to Try Juvenile Offenders Who Commit Felonies as Adults.

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Voted for Limited Government

Reducing Bureaucratic Red Tape to Building and Development by Allowing Private Commercial Building Inspections and Requiring Local Permitting Decisions within 21 Days.

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No vote

Applying for a Convention of the States to Propose Constitutional Amendments Imposing Term Limits and Fiscal Restraints.

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Voted against Limited Government

Increasing Taxation and the Growth of Government by Allowing Localities to Impose New Taxes on Hotels for Wasteful Tourism Promotion Initiatives.

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No vote

Strengthening Property Rights by Expanding Protections Against Trespassing on Private Land.

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Voted for Limited Government

Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rates on Consumer Credit Installment Sale Contracts.

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Voted against Limited Government

Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rate on Consumer Loans.

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing Politicization and Strengthening Government Integrity by Prohibiting Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Government Agencies and Training Programs.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Self-Defense and Second Amendment Rights by Allowing Concealed Carry on Religious School Property and Eliminating the Permit Requirement for Pistol Purchases.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Property Rights at Hotels and Campgrounds by Clarifying that Stays Under 90 Days Do Not Entitle Customers to "Tenancy Rights".

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Voted against Limited Government

Reducing Energy Costs by Including Nuclear Energy in the State's Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard.

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Voted against Limited Government

Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring Absentee Ballots be Returned by Election Day and Prohibiting the Usage of Private Funds for Election Administration.

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Voted against Limited Government

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