ionicons-v5-a Back to 2023 Special Report

Tax and Fiscal

Grade: A

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B-

An analysis of Pence’s energy and environment record shows a mixed commitment to limited government principles. In Congress, Pence showed a strong commitment to energy production, off-shore drilling and combatting overreaching EPA mandates. However, as Governor he didn’t sign a bill which ended energy efficiency mandates and most notably vetoed a bill which would have ensured state agencies would not impose more stringent environmental regulations than the federal government.





HB 1082 Environmental Rules and Policies (2016)

Vetoed a Measure Which Prevents State Bureaucrats from Imposing Environmental Regulations Stricter than Federal thus Weakening Property Rights.


SB 340 Demand Side Management Programs (2014)

Did not Sign a Bill Which Ended a Crony Energy Efficiency Program which Places Surcharges on All Residential and Business Utility Bills.


HB 1005 Midwest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord (2014)

Signed a Bill Removing the State from a Draconian Cap and Trade Program which Harms Economic Growth.


H.R. 3409 Stop the War on Coal Act (2012)

Voted to Prevent the EPA from Imposing Overreaching Mandates on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Return Water Quality Regulatory Authority to the States.


H.R. 6082 Replacement of Off-shore Drilling Plan (2012)

Voted to Expand American Energy Production by Significantly Hiking the Schedule for Oil and Gas Lease Sales Compared to the Obama Admin


H.R. 1229 Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (2011)

Voted to Expand American Energy Production by Increasing Off-Shore Oil and Gas Drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf.

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: A

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

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Grade: A-

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: C+

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Local and National Security

Grade: A-

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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